Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This week we had a German exchange teacher named Frau artner and she taught us a lot about Germany. She showed us pictures of her class room and her students later Frau artner class room wrote a letter about what they like and such many other fun facts about them.One day Frau artner brought some poems and then are class got to write a poem about Autumn or Herbst what the called in Germany. This year of October there is a lunch bunch club and hey read a book called No More Dead Dogs.They just finished the book so this Wednesday October the 20th the lunch bunch club is doing a play about the book! until then you will have to wait!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

today some of the Chinese learners had scary stories in the dark. some stories were scary and some of them were not. most of the kids liked the story, The Stalker. today for lunch was nachos. many of the people in band including me are working very hard on our music. we sound beautiful together. a couple days ago we got a German teacher. her name is Frau Artner. she has tought us many lessons and is getting back on her plane going home along with the other German teachers soon.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Welcome to the fifth grade world! In Mrs.Ament's class over the past week we've been working on a lot of stuff like, in science we are doing experiments using the scientific method. In technology we're looking at maps around the world in 3-D. We have also started number corner in class instead of in math. Our class will also watch Lunch Bunch book club perform a play on the book the read called No More Dead Dogs.I love fifth grade!

Thanks for reading!-By: Max B.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fifth grade is Fantastic! You go on tons of fun Field Trips, you get to learn about Landforms, watch cool videos, you do Patrols, you do math, science and more...! Fifth grade is so fun. Your the highest grade of DP and Teachers make Fifth grade so fun you'll remember it 'till Die!
